Chimney Rebuilds
Whether the chimney is in need of minor chimney repairs or complete reconstruction, our technicians and masons are trained to help you determine the appropriate course of action. No job is too big or too small, and you’ll appreciate our professional craftsmanship and care for your home.
- Brick Replacement
Brick can be one of the most durable building materials, as testified by the survival of notable Roman examples. Not infrequently, however, poor chimney repairs, a lack of maintenance and inappropriate alterations lead to trouble. If you’re looking for help replacing bricks, our brick replacement service is perfect for you.
- Repointing
When mortar joints become damaged, the most cost-effective action that a homeowner can take is to repoint the chimney where mortar joints are deteriorating. The alternative is to allow the mortar joints to deteriorate to the point that the chimney collapses, which means makes a complete rebuild necessary — and of course, the cost of a rebuild is far greater than the cost for repairs.
- Leaky Chimney Repair
Beginning late each fall and throughout the rainy season, we field dozens of calls from homeowners experiencing a tremendous amount of water coming in down and around their chimneys and fireplaces or stoves. We’ve had clients in newer homes literally collecting pans of water in the fireplace or woodstove alcove. There are a number of things we look at in diagnosing the source of this annoying and damaging phenomenon. Water penetration can lead to damage costing hundreds or even thousands of dollars to repair. Don’t let this problem go unresolved — and call us to help fix the leak.